Saturday, August 21, 2010

Earphone foamy covers?

What are the foamy earphone covers for? Some earphones come with them and they're usually black and very soft and they fit onto the earphones. Do they have some sort of purpose (maybe other than comfort)?Earphone foamy covers?
Try wearing a pair of earphones (Especially a pair that has a good overhead spring to it.) and you'll know why earphones come with foamy covers.

I too once thought the covers were superfluous pieces that were just for looks. But when I tried to wear my regular earphones sans the worn away foam for about an hour, my ears couldn't take the discomfort. Actually, discomfort is too mild a word to use - it was quite painful for my sensitive ears.

Basically, a pair of earphones without the foamy pieces would be like riding a bike without a seat; it can be done but it won't be comfortable.

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