Saturday, August 21, 2010

Have you ever had Foamy's voice stuck in your head?

I have one of Foamy's squirrel songs stuck in my head, and its been in my head for about 2 days. I don't know if I am amused or annoyed. But if I sing it out loud, my family will think I am insane.Have you ever had Foamy's voice stuck in your head?
OMG ithought i was the only one who like foamy!!!!!Have you ever had Foamy's voice stuck in your head?
hey these are cool websites of him:

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haha, i love foamy. did you notice it took FOREVER for the newest illwillpress to come out?
U know? These things r called ';earworms';

Don't worry, it'll b replaced by something else.
lol, I love Foamy. I get his songs stuck in my head all the time. He's hilarious. My husband like him too, so he doesn't laugh when I sing the songs he just sings along. Are you apart of the Foamy Card Cult? We are, we just had to do it. Anyways, Foamy is awesome, and getting the squirrel songs stuck in your head is just like getting any other song stuck in your head, fun for a while, then really annoying.
oh my god, are you serious? lol, that's pretty bad, I have to admit, but just keep playing it over and over until you get sick of it. It's just like any other song. Once I ended playing Jingle Bells over and over in my mind for almost a month! and it was May!! lol, you will probably get over it after a while
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