Saturday, August 21, 2010

My puppy keeps puking yellow, foamy bile! HELP!?

My 10 month old puppy has been puking a lot. He has just puked 13 times in the past hour or so. He is drinking A TON of water, and puking right after. He ate all of his breakfast and dinner. Whats wrong?My puppy keeps puking yellow, foamy bile! HELP!?
First of all, don't continue to let him drink. It is not helping him and clearly he is just vomiting it back up.

Second, go to the vet. Nothing normal causes this kind of vomiting. And even if it is not something life-threatening, who wants to vomit that much? There are some great medications to help with the symptoms.

Third, if you wait, you are risking worsening illness, dehydration and hypoglycemia, potentially.

Get to the vet tonight, to find out what is going on, and get that pup some help.My puppy keeps puking yellow, foamy bile! HELP!?
I think I can help. What kind of dog is it? WHen did you get this dog? We recently adopted a french bulldog and she did the SAME THING for a day or two. She would eat fine, drink fine, but within minutes of drinking, she would puke up yellowish-clear bile. I finally researched it and found out that NOTHING was wrong with her. Because of her small size and the way she had to hang her head down to drink, she was taking in a lot of air at the same time. THis causes them to throw up. I simply ELEVATED her water bowl so that she didn't have to hang her head down inside the bowl and I only give her a little at a time. Dogs often tend to drink drink drink until the bowl is empty because they are scared that is all they will get for a while. Once your dog knows that the water is always available, it won't try to guzzle it down so fast. I hope this helps.
take him to a vet

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